E-mail me at themidnightmeadow@hotmail.co.uk or use the contact form for suggestions, questions and reading requests. In the Wrexham area? In-person readings are available!

Friday, 26 August 2011

Daily Draw 11

Alas, my Ten of Wands has gone walkies!

Until I find it - or it finds me, as the cards seem to have a mind of their own sometimes! - I want to concentrate on the ZWG cards, and The Answer Deck.

Zigeuner WahrsageKarten:


Ooh, how lovely!

So far, the main difference between Letter and Message seems to be subtlety. With the Message card, I have come to expect overtones, and signs - the Letter card seems to refer to more direct messages, usually from others. Although the card can, and has, referred to actual letters and emails, it has also turned up in spreads as a reference to contracts, texts, even conversations.

Fidelity is a gorgeous card, promising faithfulness, and dependability. Together, the cards suggest a display of loyalty - either someone professing their fidelity, or a need for the querent to do so. It is a good day for making it clear whose side you are on, for letting the ones you love know that you will always be there. Look for a show of support, and solidarity.

Answer Deck Cards Drawn:

Bad News/Change/Inspiration

This combination may seem grim on the surface, but I think there is a hopeful message here overall. Bad News indicates, of course, setbacks, disappointments and...well...bad news! Change suggests that this will come in the form of unpleasant developments, and things not going to plan - things changing when we would rather they continue as they are.

However, the real interesting card here is Inspiration.

Clearly, all is not lost today. It is important not to give up, and not to let setbacks get in the way of progress. The word that keeps occurring to me is adaptability. There is a way to turn a crisis into an opportunity. You just have to look at it the right way.

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Daily Draw 10

Tarot Card Drawn:

Queen of Cups

Patience, understanding, empathy and compassion are the focus today. The Queen of Cups reminds us to tune in to the subtle emotional undercurrents around us, and to show true compassion to others. Today is a day for helping those in need, and using our intuition to pick up on what is really going on. Extra patience must be used hen dealing with others today - there may be more to their situation than meets the eye. It is important to listen to what others are saying, or perhaps what they are not saying. Read between the lines, and try to understand how someone else feels before making any kind of judgement.

Zigeuner WahrsageKarten Drawn:

 A very interesting ZWK combination for us today. Rather than taking the cards literally, I would look for a sign today that a situation really is over. It is a combination which foretells rejection, and denials. An invitation turned down, or an idea rejected. The news may not be good, but with Death, we at least get a sense of closure, and are no longer left to wonder what might have been. Today, then, is a day for changing our approach. If a first attempt fails, try to find a creative solution. Try to think about the problem a little differently. If you aren't getting through to someone, try a different message.

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Daily Draw 9

Tarot Card Drawn:

The Hermit

It would seem that today, grave errors can be avoided by not following popular opinion. This certainly suggests a situation in which the minority are right, not the majority. It warns that while others may be well meaning, sometimes the only person who truly understands your situation is you. Sometimes, a situation can be clouded by the differing opinions of everyone involved. Minimise the input of others. Today is a day for following your own path, and seeking your own inner wisdom. Trust yourself.

Due to a technical hitch, the Zigeuner WahrsagKarten will be back tomorrow, so instead, let's call upon the Answer Deck:

Clarity/Abundance/The Fool

I think today's message is quite a clear one. In an eerie way, it backs up the Hermit's message of self reliance. Clarity/Abundance offers a chance to see a situation or problem clearer than ever before. There is a sense of heightened awareness, and a chance to see things as they really are. The Fool, however, warns us that others may not share our vision, that the truth discovered today may be so well hidden that others simply will not see it. The Fool also suggests that to find this truth, we must 'go against the grain', and that this may even entail deliberately setting about things in the opposite ay to others. It may look for all the world like you have things backwards - today, the rest of the world is wrong.

Saturday, 20 August 2011

Daily Draw 8

With the weekend here, let's see what the next few days have in store!

Tarot Card Drawn:

8 of Cups

This card has always signified - to me, at least - the rejection of instant gratification in favour of something more permanent, and meaningful. In this way, it may be seen as a warning against quick fixes, or a need to not buy into your own hype. While we all enjoy, and times deserve, recognition for the things that we do, we must never allow our achievements to overshadow us. Fame is fleeting. Celebration is fine, but it is easy to become so focused on one achievement that we cease to move forward, forever trapped in some perfect moment of the past. It's all about searching for something more.

I could not help but think of Yoda from Star Wars when I drew this card: "Adventure...Excitement... A Jedi craves not these things"

Zigeuner WahrsageKarten Drawn:

Unexpected Joy/Loss

Talk about a mixed message!

Clearly, there are pleasant surprises in store this weekend. However, the presence of Loss makes me wonder...is it a case of fleeting happiness? Is this source of joy something which will leave as quickly as it arrives? Perhaps it is more complicated than that. It could be that the cards warn that by getting caught up in this happy surprise, it is likely I will miss something important, an opportunity perhaps.

We will certainly see. Have a great weekend!

Friday, 19 August 2011

Daily Draw 7

Tarot Card Drawn:

Six of Swords (reversed)

Reversed, I have always found this card to be quite a tricky one. At the very least, it can indicate thwarted travel plans, delays and unexpected setbacks. However, it does have a darker side, and recent events lead me to believe that it is this interpretation which I should be focusing on. For the reversed Six of Swords often carries with it a warning not to bury one's head in the sand. In my experience, it usually indicates that problems are not being dealt with, and that such matters will fester, rather than simply go away. It is a card which asks what I am avoiding in life, and speaks of trauma which is not dealt with, and hurt which has not been healed. Often, it indicates a need to face problems head on, and not shy away from them, however painful that may be.

All I can say is  that I know exactly where this card is coming from.

Zigeuner WahrsageKarten Drawn:


An official letter or document seems to be the focus of today's card combination, which makes a lot of sense - I received some medical test results today, shortly after drawing the two cards.

Of course, this is not the only possible interpretation. The card combination could just as easily be a fine, a legal document, an offer of work or indeed any message received from someone in an official capacity. It may also refer to the 'official story', the revealing of indisputable truths, and reliable accounts. Read simply, it may be taken as a warning not to accept things at face value today, but rather to find your own truth, and not jump to any conclusions until you are sure you have all the facts.

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Daily Draw 6

Tarot Card Drawn:

Knight Of Wands

Traditionally, the Knight is a card of adventure and daring. Coupled with the suit of Wands, he becomes a card of swift thought and raw imagination. The Knight of Wands can represent a person with these qualities, someone brimming with original, even revolutionary ideas. He can also represent a situation or attitude - he may indicate a coming quest for knowledge, or a novel approach to your situation.

This is a very significant card to draw today. I received a new deck this morning (see the main site for more on this) , so I am certainly on an adventure: a quest for the truth!

Zigeuner WahrsageKarten Drawn:


I knew straight away that this did not refer to a romantic visit, although it can - my circumstances sort of prohibited that - so I decided to consider Love not as a romantic card, but rather as a card of passion, or a different type of love. There are so many kinds, after all: the love for your family, friends, in some cases (if you're lucky!) even a love for your job. So this combination could herald a visit from someone you care about, but can also indicate a new interest or passion entering your life. It could be the day you stumble across the sport that leads you to the Olympics, or the day you receive the first of something you will later begin to collect - maybe your first stamp set, or porcelain doll. A new interest may be sparked, or hidden feelings of fondness may be revealed on a day when you draw this combination.

For me, as with the Knight of Wands, I think the message is clear, and that it bodes well for my new deck!

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Daily Draw 5

Today my concern is mostly one of time. Lately, I get the feeling that I am wasting time, or not applying my efforts where they are most needed - while the important things in life seem to slip by. It is hard to get my priorities straight of late!

With this in mind, let us see what day five has in store...

Tarot Card Drawn:

The Fool - Reversed

Touché, RWS!

When reading any card, it is important to bear it's duality in mind. Reversed, our Fool is not quite so independent and carefree - indeed, he can be a pain, his follies and misadventures a burden on those who have to pick up the pieces. Though his independent spirit does have it's charms, his lack of caution and common sense can be deeply frustrating to those around him.

Also, we must consider how the poor Fool feels. He cannot fit in, even when he tries to. He is simply not the same as you or I.

Applied to my situation, I feel this card is very appropriate. I think it relates tofinding your place in life, and suggests that true happiness is found by realising your strengths, and sticking to them. It makes me think that perhaps I am spreading myself a little thinly, instead of focusing on one area of growth. It may also indicate a need to go with the flow a little, and not always associate 'normal' and 'safe' with 'bad' and 'boring'.

Zigeuner WahrsageKarten Cards Drawn:



I'm not one to  jinx a good thing, but I doubt that this is literal!

I think what these two cards represent is a loss of desire, or passion. Either that something you love has been taken from you, or else the love itself is waning. Perhaps familiarity really does breed contempt - or it may be that those who once seemed enthralled by you are now indifferent, or cold.

I think this combination, in relation to my problem, refers to a dwindle in interest. This is particularly interesting because I have had a few minor bouts of writer's block lately - not good when you have a deadline!! - and it always leaves me feeling kind of lost and doubting. The cards seem to stress that lately, things which were once exciting do not seem interesting at all anymore. Like the Fool, I think the message here is to find something I can really sink my teeth into!

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Daily Draw 4

Tarot Card Drawn: The Hierophant

The Hierophant often offers us advice, and wisdom. It is the voice of traditional wisdom, and conventional ideas. The card refers not only to spriritual guidance, but also to the voice of conscience inside ourselves.
When this card is drawn, it is often telling you that you need not be alone - that there is somebody who can help you, someone you can confide in, or trust to point you in the right direction. It often suggests that we know the right answer, and that we should trust our inner voice to guide us. The Hierophant's message is that the right information is out there, so make sure you are listening.

Zigeuner WahrsageKarten cards drawn:

I will admit, I find it a little spooky that The Hierophant and Ecclesiastic would be drawn on the same day! This strengthens the need to seek guidance, to not be closed off to new ideas and offered wisdom. The presence of The Gift certainly suggests an offer of help, whether it be advice or a revelation from someone. When these cards are drawn togeher, you can expect to make a real connection with someone, on a deep level - to be given the gift of knowledge or wisdom.

Saturday, 13 August 2011

Daily Draw 3

The seven of Pentacles is usually a card which calls for some self-assessment, one which invites us to take stock of all that our hard work has earned us. However, in it's reversed position here, I feel the card is more about encouraging dilligence. Yes, you may have come a long way, but now is really not the time to stop and pat yourself on the back. There is still much more to be done. A lot of effort has already been put into the situation, but if you stop now, it may all be for nothing. This is what I feel the card is really saying today. It is a day of pressing on, and of mucking in - of gritting your teeth and carrying on, even if you now feel most like stopping.

Friday, 12 August 2011

Daily Draw 2

This card tells me that today it is best to be on the lookout for fraudulence, underhandedness, and someone who is disarmingly charming. The card warns of false promises, of solutions which seem too good to be true - and probably are! Do not allow anyone to persuade you of something you would never normally believe, or talk you into doing something which may not be in your best interests. The situation cannot be solved by a quick fix or seemingly magical solution, and be wary of anyone who claims otherwise.

Thursday, 11 August 2011

Daily Draw 1

The Six of Cups is a lovely card. It represents a simpler time, a hark back to the innocence of childhood. It is a card that suggests old fashioned principles - seeing the best in people, making the most of things. The six of cups suggests sentimentality, and nostalgia - perhaps a day for reuniting with old friends, estranged family members, or simply breaking out an album you haven't heard in years. 
When I draw the six of cups, I know it is time to make any phone calls I've been putting off. It is also time to get back to basics, and return to the simpler pleasures in life.