Tarot Card Drawn:
Two Of Pentacles
I'm pretty sure every woman understands this card! It is about juggling, not just financially (i.e finding a way to to pay the bills and still eat, or somehow affording a new hairdo and still fixing the car), but sometimes in terms of managing your time and emotional resources. When I see this card, I know that a balance can be achieved - but I also know that it won't be easy, and I may shortly start to feel like a rather overworked plate spinner, trying to keep everything up in the air. The card, then, is one of empowerment, and it's message is a rather positive one: it will be tough, but darn it, you CAN do it!
ZWK drawn:

I will admit to tilting my head and sighing like a big girl when I saw these cards today!
On a simple level, it may be read as true, or righteous love. A revelation of the heart's desire, or the basic good nature of someone's affections.
As I am not religious in any traditional sense, I tend to follow popular thinking in associating Ecclesiastic with the Hierophant of the Tarot deck, which makes it much easier to interpret. So in this light, the combination may also be interpreted as romantic advice offered, or the correct path revealed. Of course, for the more spiritually inclined it may also refer to a passion for religious or spiritual pursuits.
But for me - spending a romantic day in with my better half - the meaning seems rather clear! ;)