Tarot Card Drawn:
The Devil
Firstly, say hello to my newest deck, now "reading ready": The Hallowe'en Tarot, by Kipling West.
I find this card interesting, as I know that today I will very likely be placed in a situation where I must bite my tongue, and not get involved.
So how does the Devil relate to this?
Often, this card indicates a need to control base impulses and desires. As The Devil often represents the unthinking, sometimes destructive force of nature (in our own hearts as well as the world around us), I believe the card is all about temper today. In life, we frequently have to choose between what we would like or feel compelled to do, and what we know is right. I think that in the context of the coming evening, this card asks: Yes, reacting without thought may make you feel better, but what will it achieve? If you cannot contribute constructively to a situation, it is sometimes best to back away - to save ourselves from making a bad situation much much worse. It also indicates a potential for temptation and the abuse of power.
ZWK Cards Drawn:
Unexpected Joy
I like this reading. I have not used Lenormand cards much (though I'd like to someday) but I do own the Halloween Tarot, which I also hope to use more. Perhaps around Halloween (or earlier)...
I hope your visit goes well even if some moods are low to begin with!
It was very interesting, actually - someone who has been quite grouchy and sad lately came out of their shell and the evening took a surprising turn for the better!It was an excellent night :D
I took the Hallowe'en deck with me, and they went down a treat, got an excellent reading and my friends love them.
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