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Wednesday 24 August 2011

Daily Draw 10

Tarot Card Drawn:

Queen of Cups

Patience, understanding, empathy and compassion are the focus today. The Queen of Cups reminds us to tune in to the subtle emotional undercurrents around us, and to show true compassion to others. Today is a day for helping those in need, and using our intuition to pick up on what is really going on. Extra patience must be used hen dealing with others today - there may be more to their situation than meets the eye. It is important to listen to what others are saying, or perhaps what they are not saying. Read between the lines, and try to understand how someone else feels before making any kind of judgement.

Zigeuner WahrsageKarten Drawn:

 A very interesting ZWK combination for us today. Rather than taking the cards literally, I would look for a sign today that a situation really is over. It is a combination which foretells rejection, and denials. An invitation turned down, or an idea rejected. The news may not be good, but with Death, we at least get a sense of closure, and are no longer left to wonder what might have been. Today, then, is a day for changing our approach. If a first attempt fails, try to find a creative solution. Try to think about the problem a little differently. If you aren't getting through to someone, try a different message.

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