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Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Daily Draw 9

Tarot Card Drawn:

The Hermit

It would seem that today, grave errors can be avoided by not following popular opinion. This certainly suggests a situation in which the minority are right, not the majority. It warns that while others may be well meaning, sometimes the only person who truly understands your situation is you. Sometimes, a situation can be clouded by the differing opinions of everyone involved. Minimise the input of others. Today is a day for following your own path, and seeking your own inner wisdom. Trust yourself.

Due to a technical hitch, the Zigeuner WahrsagKarten will be back tomorrow, so instead, let's call upon the Answer Deck:

Clarity/Abundance/The Fool

I think today's message is quite a clear one. In an eerie way, it backs up the Hermit's message of self reliance. Clarity/Abundance offers a chance to see a situation or problem clearer than ever before. There is a sense of heightened awareness, and a chance to see things as they really are. The Fool, however, warns us that others may not share our vision, that the truth discovered today may be so well hidden that others simply will not see it. The Fool also suggests that to find this truth, we must 'go against the grain', and that this may even entail deliberately setting about things in the opposite ay to others. It may look for all the world like you have things backwards - today, the rest of the world is wrong.

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