Traditionally, the Knight is a card of adventure and daring. Coupled with the suit of Wands, he becomes a card of swift thought and raw imagination. The Knight of Wands can represent a person with these qualities, someone brimming with original, even revolutionary ideas. He can also represent a situation or attitude - he may indicate a coming quest for knowledge, or a novel approach to your situation.
This is a very significant card to draw today. I received a new deck this morning (see the main site for more on this) , so I am certainly on an adventure: a quest for the truth!
Zigeuner WahrsageKarten Drawn:
I knew straight away that this did not refer to a romantic visit, although it can - my circumstances sort of prohibited that - so I decided to consider Love not as a romantic card, but rather as a card of passion, or a different type of love. There are so many kinds, after all: the love for your family, friends, in some cases (if you're lucky!) even a love for your job. So this combination could herald a visit from someone you care about, but can also indicate a new interest or passion entering your life. It could be the day you stumble across the sport that leads you to the Olympics, or the day you receive the first of something you will later begin to collect - maybe your first stamp set, or porcelain doll. A new interest may be sparked, or hidden feelings of fondness may be revealed on a day when you draw this combination.
For me, as with the Knight of Wands, I think the message is clear, and that it bodes well for my new deck!
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