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Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Daily Draw 4

Tarot Card Drawn: The Hierophant

The Hierophant often offers us advice, and wisdom. It is the voice of traditional wisdom, and conventional ideas. The card refers not only to spriritual guidance, but also to the voice of conscience inside ourselves.
When this card is drawn, it is often telling you that you need not be alone - that there is somebody who can help you, someone you can confide in, or trust to point you in the right direction. It often suggests that we know the right answer, and that we should trust our inner voice to guide us. The Hierophant's message is that the right information is out there, so make sure you are listening.

Zigeuner WahrsageKarten cards drawn:

I will admit, I find it a little spooky that The Hierophant and Ecclesiastic would be drawn on the same day! This strengthens the need to seek guidance, to not be closed off to new ideas and offered wisdom. The presence of The Gift certainly suggests an offer of help, whether it be advice or a revelation from someone. When these cards are drawn togeher, you can expect to make a real connection with someone, on a deep level - to be given the gift of knowledge or wisdom.


Sharyn Mallow Woerz said...

Lovely start Beth, well done. On your Midnight blog you said "I now have a Daily Draw site here, and am hoping that with practice, the meanings of the cards will become clearer.".

I don't remember how long I've been doing a card a day, but I keep a log, and for instance I've drawn the Wheel 26 times. If keywords were the only way I knew how to read it would be a pretty dull blog to write or read. But each time something new comes from the card and ties in with something in my life and the post comes out. I love my cards!!

I would think someone fairly new to tarot would look at a post and then look at the image and wonder how I ever got that meaning for that card. They'd probably really have to think :)

All that said to say, I don't read tarot now like anyone else I know, and it's all those cards of the day, making tarot soup~

Unknown said...

I am very interested by the mix of cards you are using, and eager to see more! I hope this became an accurate reading for you!

Beth said...

Manda - Thank you very much, and many blessings to you :) I really appreciate that!

Sharyn - My efforts started off a little timid at first. I have been using cards for a long time, but only very recently started to use the internet as a kind of tarot network and resource. I will admit to having quite a silly fear that someone will think my interpretation of a certain card is 'wrong'. Your comment was inspiring to me, I know I should open up, and not edit myself. Thank you ever so much :)
