Today my concern is mostly one of time. Lately, I get the feeling that I am wasting time, or not applying my efforts where they are most needed - while the important things in life seem to slip by. It is hard to get my priorities straight of late!
With this in mind, let us see what day five has in store...
Tarot Card Drawn:
The Fool - Reversed
Touché, RWS!
When reading any card, it is important to bear it's duality in mind. Reversed, our Fool is not quite so independent and carefree - indeed, he can be a pain, his follies and misadventures a burden on those who have to pick up the pieces. Though his independent spirit does have it's charms, his lack of caution and common sense can be deeply frustrating to those around him.
Also, we must consider how the poor Fool feels. He cannot fit in, even when he tries to. He is simply not the same as you or I.
Applied to my situation, I feel this card is very appropriate. I think it relates tofinding your place in life, and suggests that true happiness is found by realising your strengths, and sticking to them. It makes me think that perhaps I am spreading myself a little thinly, instead of focusing on one area of growth. It may also indicate a need to go with the flow a little, and not always associate 'normal' and 'safe' with 'bad' and 'boring'.
Zigeuner WahrsageKarten Cards Drawn:
I'm not one to jinx a good thing, but I doubt that this is literal!
I think what these two cards represent is a loss of desire, or passion. Either that something you love has been taken from you, or else the love itself is waning. Perhaps familiarity really does breed contempt - or it may be that those who once seemed enthralled by you are now indifferent, or cold.
I think this combination, in relation to my problem, refers to a dwindle in interest. This is particularly interesting because I have had a few minor bouts of writer's block lately - not good when you have a deadline!! - and it always leaves me feeling kind of lost and doubting. The cards seem to stress that lately, things which were once exciting do not seem interesting at all anymore. Like the Fool, I think the message here is to find something I can really sink my teeth into!